Spooky Fun

Spooky Fun

Does anyone else just feel the need for a little spooky fun? Since the biggest riddle of all (besides the pending stimulus relief for all) is how we might be able to enjoy Halloween this year, we found some good Halloween riddles. Could be good and SAFE Halloween fun to share with your kids, family, friends or co-workers!

If you can’t figure out the answer, email marketing@fpmproperties.com and you might get a Halloween treat as well as the answer!

  • Why don’t mummies take vacations?
  • How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?
  • How do you fix a jack o lantern?
  • Which part of the road do ghosts love to travel the most?
  • Why didn’t the mummy have any friends?
  • What do you get if you cross a snowman with a witch?
  • Why didn’t the zombie go trick or treating?
  • Why did Snap, Crackle & Pop get scared?
  • What do witches ask for when staying at a hotel?
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